The Boys with Scruffy

The Boys with Scruffy

This is a stray kitten that my parents “adopted”. The boys love to play with him. Credits: Blushbutter Unicorn Kit Font: Freestyle Script Software: PSPX2 and Alienskin Xenofex2 Burnt Edges
Cats & Birds

Cats & Birds

This is a layout I did for the Blush-n-Dusty Yahoo! Group. They have a monthly challenge. This month was to scrap your pets (or why you don’t like pets) and to use a stamp from Lara Payton’s Pet Pretties. Journaling: Cats and birds don’t normally mix...
Something different-My Parrot

Something different-My Parrot

Here’s something a little different, a layout of my parrot, Pascal. He’s an African Grey parrot and just turned two (hatchday 4/16). He talks and whistles and is a lot of fun. I’m using this as the desktop on my computer. I used Andrea Gold’s...

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