There’s a new craze in the digiscapping community: badge albums. They’re a bit smaller than an ATC and you get cheap badge holders (I got 12 for $1.64 at Wal-Mart in the office supply section) and hook them together like a little album. It’s a small scrapbook that you can carry around in your pocketbook or whatever.

I made a few pages to see if I’d like doing them. They’re pretty small, so there’s not a lot of room for embellishment if you want to keep the photos a reasonable size. Keep in mind each scrapbook page is about the size of a wallet-sized photo.

Heritage Badge Album Pages

What do you think?


All kits and elements from Blushbutter’s Easter basket kit execept the cameo and pearl necklace, which is from her Victorian Wedding kit and the scroll with “4 Generations” on it, which I created.

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